When you change the setting on Merchandising > Google Services > Product Search > Configure > to Use ShopSite Inventory Tracking , then when you submit your feed to Google it will use he Quantity on Hand to determine if i sends "in stock" or "out of stock". That will have no bearing on what shows up on your store pages. If you are using the Google feed then doing something with that field would be important but it still won't affect the way products display on your store pages.
Now lets step back and start again.
Your original question was will this code work.
- Code: Select all
[-- IF GOOGLE.Availability "in stock" --]
Display the button
[-- ELSE --]
Sorry.. Out of Stock
[-- END_IF --]
The answer was no, it will not because there is no tag Google.Availability.
I suggested that you use the product quantityonhand value and set it to 1 or 0 if you want to use code like this.
- Code: Select all
[-- IF product.quantityonhand "1" --]
item is in stock <br>
Display the button
[-- ELSE --]
Sorry.. Out of Stock
[-- end_IF --]
This does not require that you are using the Inventory tracking feature. However, if you were using inventory tracking it would make your job much easier.
I added some additional code which would allow other options but for what you originally asked the above code will work. But you must put it in your template to get it to work.