I'm using a custom cart for displaying a dynamic list of products and passing the values to shopsite via ajax to checkout / add to cart. It works well.
I now want to check quantities for products before adding them to the cart. I thought I'd be able to do this by simply reading the "ss_cart_0001238012" cookie. Not so easy, the "ss_cart_0001238012" cookie doesn't include my product skus so I can't properly check the correct quantity available against what's in the cart. (I need to use unique skus for each product listed on the page)
After searching the forums and other resources I've found that the "sbid" cookie value "SSMSB1234123496.25001" points to the session data which includes all the cart data (hopefully the skus too..).
How would I go about accessing this information (using php / javascript)?
I really just need to know if there's a specific path to the session data store location / tmp path? Is it stored in the database file? I searched my cgi-bin/sc ande cgi-bin/ss directories but found nothing related to the sbid value.