Tell a friend and spam email

General ShopSite user discussion

Tell a friend and spam email

Postby MServitus » Wed Oct 12, 2011 5:39 am

Shopsite sent out an email recently warning about spammers using its "tell a friend" feature to send out email ( inserted below). I followed the instructions for disabling this feature, but the spam kept coming. Then I renamed the script tellafriend.cgi and the spamming seemed to stop. Now, 12 hours later I am still seeing a few ( 6 versus the 6,000 I had before) spams in my outgoing mail queue.

What else can I do to stop these abuses.??

------------ shopsite's email....
tech-bulletin] ShopSite tellafriend.cgi used for Spam
We’ve recently had reports that the Tell A Friend feature is being used
by 3rd parties to send spam. We recommend that merchants do the following:

· If using ShopSite Manager or Pro version 10 sp1 or greater (sp2 or
v11) then under Merchandising > Social Media > Share with Friends select
the “Share with Friends” radio button instead of the “Tell a Friend”

· If using ShopSite Manager or Pro versions 8 through 10 then under
Merchandising > Tell a Friend, disable the Tell a Friend feature.

If you are a hosting provider, besides telling your merchants to do the
above your other options are:

· Block the IP being used to access the tellafriend.cgi. Currently the
IP being used is

· Automatically switch off tellafriend or switch to Share with Friends.
To do this in v10 sp1 stores and greater edit the sbdata.aa file found
in the store’s data directory and set the "tellfriend_enabled:" token to
“0” to disable it or to “2” to set it to Share with Friends. For

tellfriend_enabled: 0

In v10 stores and earlier set “tellfriend_enabled:” to no value instead
of “checked.” For example:


· Remove the tellafriend.cgi until a patch is produced to resolve this
issue. Note that doing this in a v11 store will also prevent the
Facebook Store feature from working.
Posts: 47
Joined: Tue Sep 12, 2006 11:42 am

Re: Tell a friend and spam email

Postby loren_d_c » Wed Oct 12, 2011 10:08 am

Your 'mail queue' is just that, a queue, where emails are stored up waiting to be sent by the mail system. So the 6 you still have in there are likely just leftover. Most mail servers retry email for several times if it is undeliverable the first time for certain reasons. So the 6 emails currently in the queue (and possibly even the many you saw in the queue after disabling the Tell A Friend feature) are just waiting for your mail system to retry delivering them after a while. If you want to stop them, remove them from the queue.

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