"Free Shipping" doesn't stay

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"Free Shipping" doesn't stay

Postby bkgca » Tue Sep 06, 2011 5:28 pm

I have free shipping set for over "$100" .
And if a customer adds a product for over 100 , the 1st one, or builds, and the next product adds to the total to be over 100, yes it says you have the free shipping.
but when one continues shopping, the free shipping doesn't stay... it's still in the choice box, but not the default, and unless the customer hits recalculate,, or manually selects it, they get charged for the shipping when they check out..

Any solutions, another box I need to click that I missed?

Posts: 44
Joined: Thu Oct 21, 2010 9:14 pm

Re: "Free Shipping" doesn't stay

Postby Jim » Wed Sep 07, 2011 11:05 am

If the shopper has selected a shipping option after they have seen the "You qualify for Free shipping and it has been selected for you" message ShopSite has no way of knowing if they want the free shipping or not. So the only time that the free shipping method will be selected is the first time that the cart qualifies for free shipping. After that they will have conscientiously made a choice to select another option and we can't just go changing it back or they would have to select their desired method every time they go to the cart or recalculate. If you want to make he shipping options more obvious you can set them to be a radio button list instead of in a pulldown menu. This is done on the Commerce Setup > Shipping screen in the Display Shipping Options As: section.
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Re: "Free Shipping" doesn't stay

Postby bkgca » Wed Sep 07, 2011 1:39 pm

I've noticed that most of the time when an item is added to the cart, the notice comes up that they've qualified, and the free shipping is on the table above the tax.
But if one leaves , "continues shopping" , and returns to the cart, the free shipping is no longer selected.... the regular shipping is.. But yes, it's in the drop down menu...

If they select recalculate, it does than replace the paid shipping with the free shipping. I but a note on the store...

I'll try the radial select instead, so it's very noticeable. Good idea.

Posts: 44
Joined: Thu Oct 21, 2010 9:14 pm

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