Tweaks to checkout

General ShopSite user discussion

Tweaks to checkout

Postby lland » Thu Jun 09, 2011 2:14 pm

Do we have any way of modifying the shipping/billing address fields on the checkout page and their layout directly other than through the usual under Commerce settings? I need to tweak the layout, move some things around.
I have the a similar question for the payment area. I would like to remove the Business Name field.

Posts: 6
Joined: Mon Aug 14, 2006 10:13 am

Re: Tweaks to checkout

Postby ShopSite Lauren » Fri Jun 10, 2011 8:25 am

No there isn't a way for you to have complete control over the layout of the shipping/billing address fields. What is it that you are trying to do and I may be able to help you find a way to do it? For the business name field, there is no way to remove that from displaying in your cart within ShopSite. The only thing that you could do to remove that would be to add some code, such as JavaScript which counts to the 4th line down in that table, and chooses to hide or display=none on that line.
- ShopSite Lauren
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ShopSite Lauren
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Re: Tweaks to checkout

Postby lland » Fri Jun 10, 2011 8:45 am

I had concluded as much so I was basically checking to see if I had missed something.

As for he Javascript to hide the Business Name field, that seems like a little much. Do you see any issues with adding the extra Javascript for this purpose?

Posts: 6
Joined: Mon Aug 14, 2006 10:13 am

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