Setup for multiple package ships

General ShopSite user discussion

Setup for multiple package ships

Postby StompersMike » Sun May 15, 2011 2:18 pm

I have an issue with shipping charges for Canada and International orders. I recently redesigned and reconfigured our Shopsite cart for Free shipping on U.S. domestic orders over $75.00
That is working correctly. This $75 cap allows us to charge $5.00 shipping for items that are under $75 in purchase price -- single pairs of gloves, socks and t-shirts. I was also successful in determining how to discriminate selections on gloves and boots for the drop-down menus. This can be viewed by looking at our cart pages for a pair of boots:

Or a pair of socks:

I now have an issue with CANADA (boots are $42.00 shipping for EACH pair) and INTERNATIONAL (boots are $72.00 for EACH pair)

When a customer orders more than one pair of Canada or International boots -- the additional Canada cost is $39 added or $69 added for International. These shipping charges appear factored by a default setup for Each of our Boot Items (separate from the Glove items which are all set at zero for each ship option.)

My guess for a FIX on the boots is to increase the "Shipping 6:" to 42 and "Shipping 8:" to 69 for EACH boot in our cart. Does that seem correct?

What I also fear is by selecting each boot product in the cart and doing a POWER EDIT on those boot Shipping Charges -- and if I select GLOBAL, I may merge all the other attributes into one item. Is my fear of that legitimate?

Here is a link that shows screen shots of my cart layouts.

My original carts were setup by an individual who is no longer available for support. Hopefully I can get some assist on the forum.
Thank you.
San Francisco, California

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Re: Setup for multiple package ships

Postby ShopSite Lauren » Thu May 19, 2011 12:14 pm

If I remember correctly, I have worked/messaged you in the past about how to setup your shipping charges. I seem to recall that your main product is boots, and those shipping prices change depending on how many are ordered, and your other products, such as gloves and shirts are a flat rate regardless. If this is the case, then I would suggest the following for calculating shipping:

1. Since you are not using real-time shipping rates, it doesn't matter what you enter for the weights for your products, so it is likely that you do not have any weights specified. For the shipping method I propose below, you will want to enter "1" for the weight for all boots (boots only).

2. Next go to Preferences > Store Text > Shipping, and name your first option (formally Ground) "USA." Name your second option (formally 2nd Day Air) "Canada." Name your third option (formally Next Day) "Worldwide."

3. Go to Commerce Setup > Shipping > select Shipping By Weight > Configure, and you are going to setup a Shipping By Weight table with three shipping options. The table will look like the following:

From To USA Canada Worldwide
0.00 0.99 5 11 15
1.00 1.99 25 42 75
2.00 2.99 25 81 144
3.00 3.99 25 120 213
4.00 4.99 25 159 282
5.00 5.99 25 198 351
6.00 6.99 25 237 420
7.00 7.99 25 276 489
8.00 8.99 25 315 558
9.00 1000.00 25 354 627

4. Note that this is only for boots. For other items (an entire cart without boots) the price will be $5 for US, $11 for Canada, and $15 Worldwide. If you have non-boot products that need additional shipping you can go to products > edit product info, and specify a handling charge for that product. The handling charge will be added to the $5 for US, $11 for Canada, and $15 Worldwide.
- ShopSite Lauren
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Re: Setup for multiple package ships

Postby ShopSite Lauren » Thu May 19, 2011 12:43 pm

Oops, spelling errors in my last post. "Formally" in step 2 should be "formerly."
- ShopSite Lauren
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