How to poweredit Cross Sell Product out of several pages

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How to poweredit Cross Sell Product out of several pages

Postby Niko » Tue May 10, 2011 2:56 am

SS Pro 10 sp2 r90

Hi all,

I am looking for a way to poweredit one product out (or replace it with another one) of the cross sell list of several products @ once.

The scenario: A best-selling product which is listed in the cross sell parts of dozens of other products has been discontinued and replaced with another new product. I need now a) to find all products which have the old product assigned as cross sell product and b) replace it with the new product. In my logic there must be a way to do this via the product poweredit feature, but I cannot figure out how-to.

Thank you for making me see :-)

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Re: How to poweredit Cross Sell Product out of several pages

Postby Jim » Tue May 10, 2011 12:29 pm

Since each product could potentially have different cross-sell products assigned to it the solution may not be straight forward.

If you have assigned the same cross-sell items to all products you could do a global power edit using the Cross Sell Products field and change them all at once.

However if you are assigning different products as cross sell to each product then the problem is much more complicated. To find the ones that contain a particular product would require looking at all of them and just modifying those with the particular product.

If it is a single product that needs to be changed you might work around the complexity of the issue by changing that product to be the new one. If you need to keep the original product use the Copy Product option to make a copy of the original cross-sell product. Then modify the original product to have the name and data for your new product. Then when you publish the store the modified product will be the cross-sell product instead of the old one.
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Re: How to poweredit Cross Sell Product out of several pages

Postby Niko » Fri May 13, 2011 8:33 am

Hello Jim,

ok. Get the picture and understand the work around.

We have about 2400 products in one shop and some 1000 products in 2 other shops each. Each product or product groups of about 10-20 products all have individual cross sell products assigned.

For proper maintenance, we do need a way to poweredit teh cross sell status from the product side. For each product you can poweredit "Product on Page" and view and remove a product from all pages at once. The same functionality should be there for the cross sell status. View all products that the edited product is assigned as cross sell product and add or delete the edited product as cross sell product.

This would make it also easier to add a new product and giving it immediate exposure when assigning it as cross sell product to best selling products.

I do not know how difficult it would be to implement this. I would love to see this added in one of the future releases.

Thnak you and best regards,

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Re: How to poweredit Cross Sell Product out of several pages

Postby Jim » Fri May 13, 2011 9:34 am

I have added an enhancement request for this.

Another thing you could do would be to download the product database, edit the file and make the change using search and replace and then upload the file. I tried this by specifying just the name, sku and cross-sell be included in the download file. The output looks like

#Name SKU Cross Sell Products
!prod2 sku2 !prod1~sku1|a~sku5|!prod4~sku3 ##

where !prod2 is the product name,
sku2 is the sku
!prod1~sku1|a~sku5|!prod4~sku3 are the 3 cross-sell items in the format name~sku with a | between the cross-sell items.

The download file will have the full name and sku for each cross-sell item. However I found that you can leave the name out in the upload file if you do matching based on SKU. in that case you need to still include the ~sku for each cross-sell item. So the above !prod2 line could be changed to

!prod2 sku2 ~sku1|~sku5|~sku3 ##

So in the download file you could do a global search and replace for the productname~OldProductSKU and replace it with ~NewProductSKU and upload the file to change the assigned cross-sell items. (Note you could include the full product name before the ~NewProductSKU but the product name must be spelled exactly as it is in the database. If you have long product names and make as many typing mistakes as I do using just ~sku would be easier and less error prone.)

and the upload would assign the products based on the sku.
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