google analytics

General ShopSite user discussion

google analytics

Postby jbogs1 » Fri Apr 15, 2011 7:38 pm

Does anyone have any experiance installing google analytics on shop site?

My specific reason is to set up a goal and a funnel. I understand the goal needs to reside on the same site and it appears the url of the thank you page has a differnet url

Can anyone offer any insights on making this work?

IT also seems like the confirmmation page and the thank you page have the same URL.

Is there a way to run credit cards as a test mode?

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Re: google analytics

Postby robm » Sat Apr 16, 2011 4:23 am


If you do not have your own SSL certificate, then goals and funnels may not work with Google Analytics. ShopSite does implement GA code such that it can track ecommerce purchases when the cart/checkout URLs do not match your site, but goals and funnels as you stated require the URL to be the same domain as your site.

With your own SSL certificate, the cart process would remain on your website throughout.

Yes, the confirmation page does have the same URL as the thank you page, so URL based goals would not be able to differentiate between the confirm and thank you page.

Per testing with credit cards, if you are using a payment gateway, you would have to use a real credit card to place an order. If you use the test VISA number (a 4 with fifteen 1's after it) your gateway will return a declined message, and the order will not complete.

Instead, you can either enable a payment method like check or purchase order, or switch your gateway off to place a test order.

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Re: google analytics

Postby jbogs1 » Fri Apr 22, 2011 12:30 pm

Hey Rob- I just spent $79 on a SSL so the cart process would remain on my site and we could track the analytics all the way to the thank you page.

THats not happening.

So was it a waste of $79 or did I miss something :-)

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Re: google analytics

Postby robm » Fri Apr 22, 2011 12:51 pm

I doubt it's a waste of money. Maybe the URL you set up in GA for goal/funnel tracking is not correct, or you're not ignoring the query parameters. What do you have set in GA in terms of funnel tracking to completion?

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Re: google analytics

Postby jbogs1 » Fri Apr 22, 2011 1:05 pm

Hi Rob- good to hear from you.

here are the links for a recent purchase:

1 Input (shopping cart)*1667e081603290ba07d9b44b92&sbid=SSMSB1303348617.94464&redirect=yes
2 customer info|utmccn=%28direct%29|utmcmd=%28none%29&__utmv=-&__utmk=259690250
3 confirm Why get both? (review order)|utmccn=%28direct%29|utmcmd=%28none%29&__utmv=-&__utmk=259690250
4 thank you|utmccn=%28direct%29|utmcmd=%28none%29&__utmv=-&__utmk=259690250

The thank you page is the goal
#4 thank you

The goal funnels are
# 3 confirm
#2 customer info
#1 Input

My missundertanding is trying to get the goal to be the thank you page ONLY. Right now according to google it could be either the thank you page or the confirm page.

That doesnt do me as much good as a solid thank you page URL that isnt duplicated in the confirm page as well.


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Re: google analytics

Postby jbogs1 » Tue Apr 26, 2011 12:00 pm

Hey Guys- I still need a response to this :0)

google analytics requires a completly seperate url for the landing page.

How do I do that?

I did get the SSL as you suggested but that hasnt solved the issue.


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Re: google analytics

Postby loren_d_c » Tue Apr 26, 2011 12:07 pm

The ShopSite 'Confirmation' screen is optional (and not on by default), you can turn it off in Commerce Setup -> Order System -> Confirmation.

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Re: google analytics

Postby jbogs1 » Tue Apr 26, 2011 3:08 pm

Loren .... your AWESOME!


Posts: 26
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