SS Not Adding Option Heading to Option Box?

General ShopSite user discussion

SS Not Adding Option Heading to Option Box?

Postby adsol » Mon Feb 14, 2011 2:46 pm

We are using the Order Option Inventory control under Advanced. The list looks like this:


The template calls: [-- Order_Option_Menu NOFORMAT --]

When we do not use the advanced options the list prints out

[Size: v]
| 2
| 4
| 6
| 8

If we use advanced options it prints out:

[2 v]
| 4
| 6
| 8

I have tried LINE, COLUMN, NOFORMAT. None bring the "size" Option Heading back. Only way to get the option heading back is to use Cascading Menus. Cascading Menus adds a table around the select box and this will not work with the design. Also, just so you know, the USE: field has Size: in it. Also when filling out the "select" or "choose" fields the box produces:

[Choose v]
| 2
| 4
| 6
| 8

It is losing the Option Heading name.

Why is the Option heading not printing to the screen? Is this a glich or does one lose the option headings when you use the advanced options?
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Re: SS Not Adding Option Heading to Option Box?

Postby Jim » Mon Feb 14, 2011 10:51 pm

When viewing the product in the back office, under Products > Edit Product Info, is the text for the heading (Size) in the text input fields listed above the option name on the same line as the Use, [ Size ]Append Text , SKU etc.

Are you using your own template or a ShopSite provided template? Do you have the Cascading Menus checkbox checked? If so are you looking at the More info page? The Cascading menus will only be displayed on more info pages. On a normal page (not moreinfo) all of the options will display in a single pulldown list with each selection being one of the possible combinations. So under the old style menus you would have several columns like size, color, style etc. and there would be a pull down for each with a list of sizes, colors, styles in each pulldown category. With the advanced options you will a single pulldown with all possible combinations of size, color, style etc.something like
small red short sleeve
small red long sleeve
small blue short sleeve
small blue long sleeve
small black short sleeve
med red short sleeve
med red long sleeve
The heading like size, color, style will not display in the list at all. That is probably what you are trying to explain. You could add that descriptive text to the Order Options Description: text field so it will be displayed just above the options. If you enable the Cascading menu option the Moreinfo page will have the descriptive text for the option such as size, color, style etc.

This change was necessary inorder to be able to keep track of inventory on each possible combination of options. Without the ability to know specifically what each option in the list is going to be there is no way to track the inventory for that combination. The Cascading menu style only displays what options are available for a particular option. So for example if you were out of small red short sleeve tee shirts that option would not be displayed. Using the old method there would have been no way to exclude options that are out of stock.

The "NOFORMAT" option to the [-- Order_Option_Menu --] Tag was designed for the basic order options (old style) I don't believe that it works with the new Advanced options because the code is totally different.
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Re: SS Not Adding Option Heading to Option Box?

Postby adsol » Tue Feb 15, 2011 4:39 am

We have wrapped the site in a custom template. I reverted back to 3column when it wasn't working the way I needed it to. The option boxes are only installed on the more info pages.

After reverting... still no luck so I assumed it was A) a glich or B) a limitation on the new code.

The two problems that I had was the select box in a table and the select option heading not coming up in the box.

The biggest problem of all was the select option heading not coming up in the shopping cart. This just gave a "2" or "4" on a line below the item. Without the ability to edit the size in the cart and no heading telling what the "2" is there for I fear shoppers getting confused or frustrated not knowing what the number is for.

When your cart looks like this

Code: Select all
[ 1 ]       Eagle Tee Shirt             12345             $14.95           $14.95
             Red Small

it is easy to tell what is going on. But when your cart looks like this:
Code: Select all
[ 1 ]       Dress                           12345             $114.95           $114.95

It can get confusing because it is not clear that the 4 is the size. With the old drop down at least the category remained.

This is why I was concerned but I see why it would not be easy to have it both ways.

I guess there are a few options.

1) For number sizes adding the word size before the number. So 2 would be Size 2, Size 4, Size 6. Not so hard to do with an excel or xml upload but not easy to hand code.

2) Add the word "size" to the order options text field. This will append it to the cart above the field. Only problem with this option is consistency with making sure you always enter the same thing.

3) I wish I could hand code the pieces to the actual shopping card. Then I could add in what I needed. Since there is no way I did find a solution. Simply place "Options" in the same front as the site and in a .png. Set the .cart_op class to have a background of this png and set the padding of the cell. I get a label to my row of ordering options and it is hardcoded so no need to do option 1 or 2 :)
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