Move Store with a new Store ID

General ShopSite user discussion

Move Store with a new Store ID

Postby Sjo_Time » Wed Dec 29, 2010 4:07 pm

We need to move our store to a new domain name while using the same hosting service -- Bluehost.

Bluehost moved all of our files yesterday. We currently have the old domain name parked and pointed at the new domain name, so the store continues to work. However, we will soon be losing the old domain name. The question is: How do I get the store to be associated with (connected to) the new domain name? I've went into the control panel of the store and much of the information under the "Hosting Service" cannot be changed by me.

To further complicate things, we need to change our store id. You see, the reason we are changing domain names is because our product brand is changing for legal reasons. The store id happens to contain the disputed brand name, and since the store id shows up on customer receipts, we need to change this as well.

Is there someway to make these changes without installing a new store. I've seen this help page, It doesn't seem to address our problem sufficiently.

Thanks in advance for any assistance.
Posts: 5
Joined: Wed Dec 29, 2010 3:20 pm

Re: Move Store with a new Store ID

Postby Jim » Wed Dec 29, 2010 10:09 pm

To associate the store with a new domain name you will need to get a new authorization file which is linked to the new domain. The storeid is never displayed to a shopper so there should be no need to change it. However if you must change the storeid be aware that any feature which envolves encrypted data will no longer work since the storeid is part of the encryption key. That means that any payment info in orders will be lost, payment gateway, commercial shipping setup etc will have to be reconfigured as the encrypted passwords will no longer work.

Changing out the authfile to a new domain name is not a simple task. You would have to edit a number of parameters in the config file for the store, change all image urls, and a number of other fields. You should probably contact ShopSite Sales department and talk to them about it perhaps pay to have the new authfile installed and configuration file changes made. You can contact sales by using the form at

Pricing info for support and authfile changes can be found at
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Re: Move Store with a new Store ID

Postby Sjo_Time » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:25 am

Thanks for the prompt reply.
It was not the solution I would have wanted; but at least it was a thorough explanation.
Again, Thanks.
Posts: 5
Joined: Wed Dec 29, 2010 3:20 pm

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