Google Merchant / API Callback URL Error

General ShopSite user discussion

Google Merchant / API Callback URL Error

Postby jndtc » Mon Oct 25, 2010 11:27 am

I have been using Google Checkout for a couple of years. On October 1, 2010, I suddenly began receiving this notification email message from Google; (x's are my input)

"We've made several unsuccessful attempts to send order notifications to your notification callback URL,*- As a result, you aren't receiving order status, risk, or other notifications."

This is the error in Google back office;

"We encountered an error trying to access your server at*- -- the error we got is Error 'SSL_CERTIFICATE_ERROR' connectiong to url '*-'. "

Verio is stumped blaming it on Google, Google is stumped blaming it in Verio's SSl Cert (which was tested and is good) and SHOPSITE says they have changed nothing so it must be Google. So they all are doing nothing and have left me to figure out who's fault it is and what must be done. In the meantime, although I get email notifications of the orders, and Google is processing the orders, Shopsite receives no notification.

I cannot be the only Shopsite merchant have issues with Google Checkout - right? I updated the API Callback URL and this has not resolved the issue. Verio updated Shopsite version for me and this did not resolve the issue. Google tells me I need to go get my own SSL Cert which is ridiculous since the one I have works.

Any ideas - I am desperate!
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Re: Google Merchant / API Callback URL Error

Postby loren_d_c » Mon Oct 25, 2010 12:05 pm

Just because the Verio SSL cert works in a browser does not mean it will work for Google Checkout. Google Checkout is very strict about the SSL cert validation, more so than any browsers are. Google Checkout accepts most Certificate Authorities, however most SSL certificates these days are 'chained' certificates, meaning there is more than one cert file involved. If all of the certs in the chain are not installed, or if extra certs are installed, or if the chained certs are not installed in the correct order, or any other issues with HOW the cert was installed, then Google Checkout will not recognize it as being valid, and will not connect to your site to provide the callback info. So this is the likely issue with your new Verio cert.

By going to in my browser and looking at the properties of the SSL cert, I can see that it was issued on 9/21/2010. Of course this does not mean the cert was actually installed on the server on 9/21/2010. So the issue date of this new Verio cert roughly corresponds to the time you started having the Google Checkout callback notification issues. As you noted, nothing has changed in ShopSite regarding Google Checkout, and the Google Checkout error message indicates that it is not even reaching ShopSite anyway, Google Checkout simply will not connect to your site, period, because of the SSL cert issues.

More info from Google Checkout's docs:

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