custom field in the User Reg

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custom field in the User Reg

Postby bkgca » Thu Oct 21, 2010 11:54 pm


I'm a complete noob to Shopsite and just getting a store up and running for our club.
We are running SS Pro.

Our members have a Membership number that I would like to include on the same page as their name in the user registration for the store.
But can't seem to find away through the conventional available means through the admin controls.

I did figure out how to add a text field during check out, that they must fill out, and add their member #, but they would have to do that every time.

I was toying with the Idea of changing the "Title" text label for that box, that is with the person's name fields, to "Member #" , but in starting to peak into all of the files, just can't find where that is to change it, at least just the text next to the box for the screens.. not as easy to follow as php based programs where I could find the file the drive the page and change some text titles.
Am I just not finding the right files? From what I could see it's a bunch of cgi files that would have to be edited?
(would need to be for the User Registration initially, then the screen in the My Account, and Check out. others?)

Other than that, SS pro if flexible enough so far I've been able to accommodate all the little things we've needed (so far).

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Re: custom field in the User Reg

Postby mjbrunelle » Fri Oct 22, 2010 4:13 am

There are no user defined fields in customer registration. We store 4 extra data fields in the Group name that is assigned to the customer. We can then pick the data up by using Javascript and the SS cookie when the customer is signed in.

If you want the customer to enter the Member Number you will have to use one of the Name Fields, use the Title since it is the easiest to pick up from the cookie.

Go through Commerce > Order System > Check Out.

Set the size of the Title field in the Billing Address section to what you need it to be, then uncheck the display option. Now the system will not include this field in any address output.

In registration you will have to hard code something like this, make sure your "size" specification matches what you set in the Billing Address. This would place the input field just above the Name Input Fields.

Member Number<br />
<input tabindex="3" class="addr" type=text name="Title" value="" size="10"><br /><br />
[-- CR_NAME --]

You will have to use Javascript and read the Member Number from the cookie that SS writes out. Included it in the script that SS provides for connecting to your registration pages.

Our store serial number including the "=" sign is 18 characters, yours may be different. Place the var definition out side of the function. The data will then be available to any function you write.

var custMemberNumber = "";

function signinBar( storeSerialNo, storeID) {
var cookie = document.cookie;
var nameStart = cookie.indexOf( storeSerialNo + "=" );
custMemberNumber = unescape(cookie.substring( nameStart + 18, nameStart + 18 + 'Length of your member number'));

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Re: custom field in the User Reg

Postby Jim » Fri Oct 22, 2010 6:28 am

The text for all field names, such as Title, and any other text that the shopper sees, can be changed in the back office of the store. Usually they are under Preferences > Store Text. Most of the Customer Registration fields are in the Preferences > Store Text> Customer Registration, however since the address fields are the same ones use on the billing screen those will be found under Preferences > Store Text > Checkout.
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Re: custom field in the User Reg

Postby bkgca » Fri Oct 22, 2010 8:03 am

Thanks Gents for the great replies.

Jim, that's the ticket !
Posts: 44
Joined: Thu Oct 21, 2010 9:14 pm

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