Number sequence for orders - can I change it?

General ShopSite user discussion

Number sequence for orders - can I change it?

Postby Peter Gregg » Thu Aug 19, 2010 1:08 pm

The order system is generating order numbers. While it is still in motion, meaning the shopping cart is live and taking orders over the web, can I change the starting order number from a 4 digit number to a 5 or even 6 digit number?

If yes, where do I do that in the Shopsite menu and is there any snags I should be careful of?

Also, it's a different topic, but can I stop each order from being emailed to me individual at my email address?

I print each order from inside the Shopsite cart and if I delete the orders from my email box the email company starts to put shopsite orders in the spam box which is a no-no.
I already get an email from Paypal so another from Shopsite is double of the same thing.

Regards and thanks,
Peter Gregg
Posts: 45
Joined: Tue Jul 21, 2009 12:04 pm

Re: Number sequence for orders - can I change it?

Postby Jim » Thu Aug 19, 2010 2:45 pm

For the ordernumber see

There is no option to disable the email to the merchant (unless you are using an OrderAPI script). You could however change the merchant email address (Preferences > Hosting Services ) to a different email address so the merchant emails don't fill your mail box. If you have access to the server you could setup an alias to just dump the email into empty space (dev/null).
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