Shopsite 10 Fedex shipping error

General ShopSite user discussion

Shopsite 10 Fedex shipping error

Postby peteuga » Thu Jul 29, 2010 1:08 pm

My current website is using shopsite manager 8.2.1 and it displays my fedex shipping rate that are associated with my fedex account plus a 10% handling fee I add to it.

I am currently working to set a new shopsite pro cart using version 10. I uploaded all the products from the old cart into it so they are exactly the same. I have also configured fedex to be exactly the same.

My problem is shopsite 10 is charging the wrong rates. For example in 8.2.1 when I add one of my wholesale products to the cart and ship it to zip code 60625 it shows the customer the rate of $12.72 which is exactly what my fedex account says it should be when you add 10% to it. However in shopsite 10 it is giving the rate of $15.63 which is not correct. As I stated before everything is set up exactly the same as far as I can see. Please help.
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Joined: Thu May 21, 2009 1:20 pm

Postby ShopSite Nicole » Mon Aug 02, 2010 3:50 pm

From the tests done on the two websites. It looks like the difference in the two charges could be in the FedEx configuration in ShopSite when you tell it Commercial or Residential. This setting can have an affect on shipping costs.

-ShopSite Nicole
ShopSite Nicole
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