I am trying to get code onto the thank-you page of my shopsite cart.
The google wizard in shopsite keeps telling me that I’m not pasting the right information…
I do not use shopsite product pages or more info pages…I create my own pages and put ORDER ANYWHERE buttons on them…
See here for an example:
http://fantasyfootballmetrics.com/Draft ... gBoard.htm
The SS wizard wants me to put that my store name is “http://www.fantasyfootballmetrics.com/store”
But I don’t have any pages with that path???
and the cart is httpS not http
Where do I past my google conversion code snippet in my thank you page?
More Info...
In google tracking world there are two types of tracking codes....
Normal tracking Code and conversion tracking.
You put the normal tracking code on your "normal pages" (the pages that are not part of the store check-out" process. This allows you to track what pages a customer visited etc.
You put the conversion tracking code on pages that indicate you've converted the customer from a visitor into a lead, or a purchaser.
In my case, I want to track purchase conversions, so I want to put the tracking code in the header (within the head tag) of the Shop Site THANK YOU page. Which would indicate to me a purchase.
But when I try to use the shopsite google set up wizard it is telling me my code is incomplete and is forcing me to give google a web url of www.fantasyfootballmetrics.com/store.
Problem is, that's not where my thank you page is... when I go to enter payment info... this is what I see:
https://ssl52.pair.com/cgi-sys/cgiwrap/ ... 32575.3356
www.fantasyfootballmetrics.com/store path is no where to be found in that url above....