Additional Customer Registration Fields

General ShopSite user discussion

Additional Customer Registration Fields

Postby DBurdick » Wed Jun 02, 2010 8:25 am

I need to modify the customer information fields on the customer registration page. Specifically we have both retail and wholesale customers. For wholesale customers we need the name of their store, physical address and phone number in order to confirm they should receive the wholesale discount. For retail customers the current fields are fine. Is there anyway to either add fields to the form or create a separate wholesaler registration form?

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Location: Douglas, MI

Postby Jim » Wed Jun 02, 2010 11:34 am

There is no way to add additional fields to the Customer registration information. You could put a message in the text at the top or bottom of the registration screen to have wholesale firms contact you by phone or email to get their accounts switched from retail to wholesale.

You could also add a custom field to the checkout screen requesting information if they are a commercial firm. This wouldn't put the information in the registration information but it would give you the information. Since there is no automatic process to make a registered shopper either retail or wholesale you will need to do this somehow manually anyway so it shouldn't be a big deal to it this way.
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Use Coupons and Name Fields

Postby mjbrunelle » Fri Jun 04, 2010 3:26 pm

We are all commercial and use coupons to identify the customer discount. You give it a 1 year term on the coupon and renew when necessary. This also allows you to vary the amount of discount you give to a customer.

We also only use the Middle Name Field for the user First Name and Last Name fields. We store additional information on the customer in the Sir and First name fields. ie, Account Number, customer specific graphic.
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