Query failed: database disk image is malformed(11)

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Query failed: database disk image is malformed(11)

Postby gene » Mon May 24, 2010 8:32 pm

What is the probable cause why I get this error message during publish? How do I prevent this?
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Postby Jim » Mon May 24, 2010 8:52 pm

Sounds like the database is corrupt. Are there any other messages during the publish or when you are editing products or pages?

Before you do much messing around with the database you should make a copy of the database. You will need to do this on the server since ShopSite will check the database if you ask to do a backup within the program and it won't make a backup if the file is bad.
The file you need to backup is called shopsite_db and it will be located in your store's data directory.

If you are hosted at a ShopSite partner you should ask them for assistance with the issue. If you are not with a ShopSite partner that provides support and if you don't have annual support directly from ShopSite you should probably purchase a support incident at http://shopsite.com/support_pricing.html to see if the database can be salvaged.
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Postby gene » Mon May 24, 2010 10:44 pm

This is the only message I got. But, how does the database becomes corrupt? If I was able to restore a good backup file, how will I know it will not become corrupt again?
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Postby Jim » Tue May 25, 2010 6:17 am

It's hard to say what may have corrupted the database or if that is even what the problem is without seeing the database itself. If you go to Utilities > Database > Check Status what appears under the "Status" in the table just above the buttons? It could be OK in green or Bad in Red. If you click on the link it may give you a little more information.

If you do lots of deletes and then uploads without doing publishes in between there could be products that are still assigned to pages and either the pages or the products no longer exist in the database.

What version of ShopSite are you using?

Have you checked the knowledgebase to see if it has anything about the issue? http://support.shopsite.com/KBase/
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