Getting custom data into email receipt

General ShopSite user discussion

Getting custom data into email receipt

Postby ks » Sat May 15, 2010 2:47 pm

Is there any way to get software serial numbers into the email receipt and thank you page?

I know I can email the serial numbers separately via the Orders API. If this is the only option, is it possible to incorporate the order details as well so it can replace the Shopsite email receipt, yet still have Shopsite require an email address on the checkout page?

Lastly, if I use a custom field for the email address (Confirm address, to force the user to type their address twice), will I be able, in a custom template, to position the field appropriately, and then use a cgi to confirm the entered addresses are the same before submitting the order?
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Postby Jim » Sat May 15, 2010 8:25 pm

Question 1 /2 There is no ShopSite provided way to get a serial number into the thankyou screen and email receipt. This could be done using the OrderAPI functionality where you create a script/program that would create the serial number and then output your own version of the Thank You screen and email receipt. See ... r.api.html and ... .spec.html for details on how to do that. You can replace both the ShopSite Thank You screen and the email receipt using a custom OrderAPI script. These would both display after the screen where the shopper enters their email and other address and payment info so you would still have the Shopsite require an email address on the checkout page.

Question 3 Duplicate email field ... ipping.htm
Validate Email Address
Check this box to put a second Email address field that must match with the first.

The two email fields will be displayed one over the other on the billing screen.
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