Google checkout not in Shopsite orders?

General ShopSite user discussion

Google checkout not in Shopsite orders?

Postby kepico » Sun Apr 25, 2010 4:09 am

I had a customer complete the Google checkout (first for me) process, the order does not show up (and I did not receive a notification through Shopsite) in the order section of Shopsite like I do Paypal payments, is that correct - Google checkouts do not show up as an order?
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Postby robm » Sun Apr 25, 2010 7:00 am

Google Checkout orders will show up in the ShopSite backoffice just like PayPal, but you have to make sure you enter the callback URL (from the ShopSite backoffice) in your Google Checkout account settings. From the ShopSite help docs:

1. If you haven't already, Sign in to your Google Checkout Merchant account.
2. Click My Sales in the top-right navigation menu to see your merchant account information.
3. Click the Settings tab.
4. Click Integration in the left-side navigation menu.
5. Check the box to indicate My company will only post digitally signed carts.
6. In a new browser window (do not close your current window), go to your ShopSite back office, and go to Commerce Setup > Payment, then check the box to use Google Checkout and click Configure.
7. Find the API Callback URL field, and copy it.
8. Return to the browser window open to Google Checkout, and paste the API callback URL into the provided field.
9. Select XML as the Callback method.
10. Click Save.

After ShopSite receives a callback indicating an order has been paid for, the order will appear in your ShopSite Back Office. When a Google Checkout order arrives in your back office, make sure to check the Payment Processing Info section when you view the order. New orders will usually appear with an order state of NEW:REVIEWING. Once Google Checkout has authorized the fund transfer, a new line will display the order state as NEW:CHARGEABLE. After you bill the order, either in ShopSite or in the Google Merchant Center, a new line will display NEW:CHARGED to indicate the funds have been captured. You should not ship orders until you have verified the funds have been captured.

Whenever you ship, cancel, or refund an order paid for through Google Checkout, you must indicate this in the Google Merchant center. Failure to do so will cause discrepancies in your Google Merchant account.
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