I am trying to set up an order system for a subscription web site. We already use Shopsite for non-subscription items, and we'd like to use it along with the Automatic Recurring Billing from Authorize.net with this new subscription site.
Once a user creates an account on our site (it will initially be inactive), they will be directed to Shopsite to purchase the subscription. Once they are done I want to use the Shopsite Order API to activate their account by writing to our SQL database.
Is there some way, when I direct the customer to Shopsite, to pass along some information that can be contained within the order to properly identify them? Once they place the order I will need to know which account to activate. I could look at the email address and match it up with the email address on their user account, but that seems like a poor solution. I'd like to be able to include some custom data in the order that I could then read out of the order using the Order API.
Is that possible?