setting the number of products to display per page

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setting the number of products to display per page

Postby ShirtDawg » Tue Mar 16, 2010 7:01 am

Ok, so I want to have alot of products on one page - but I dont want the page to be a mile long. So I am looking for how can I make it so shopsite separate products by page every 25 products.

So the page would show 25 products per page, but they would really still all be part of the same page... like with the numbered links.. Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... Next >

A good example of what I am looking for is like this website here..

How do I do this? Thanks to anyone who can help!
Posts: 18
Joined: Thu Feb 18, 2010 11:23 am

Postby Jim » Tue Mar 16, 2010 7:56 am

First, to have it done automatically you need to have ShopSite Pro level. Manager and Starter don't have the functionality in them.

Next on the Pages > Edit Page Layout screen there is a Pagination setting near the bottom of the page to specify how many products to display on a page.

Next under Utilities > Publish there is a setting for the maximum number of pages to generate. If you have assigned more products than will fit on that many pages the last page will have all remaining items on it.

Publish you store and you should now have what you want. Note if you created your own template you may have to modify it to include the links that go from one page to the next.
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Postby ShirtDawg » Tue Mar 16, 2010 8:37 am

I did create my own template..

What code do I need to add to my custom template to make the links appear?
Posts: 18
Joined: Thu Feb 18, 2010 11:23 am

Postby Jim » Tue Mar 16, 2010 9:42 am ... .page.html
Multipage Generation
[-- PAGE.ProductsPerPage --] Number of products to appear on a generated page; 0 = all.
[-- PrevNext --] Insert multipage navigation links
[-- PrevNext NoCenter --] Insert multipage navigation links without center tags

Checkout one of the ShopSite provided templates to see how these tags are used.
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Posts: 4953
Joined: Fri Aug 04, 2006 1:42 pm
Location: Utah

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