My understanding is that the Google Base Product Type is equivalent to a category. I also understand that Google does allow multiple categories for a product - stands to reason.
Here is my question:
What is the SS/Google format or syntax for multiple categories used in the Google Product Type field?
My goal is the following:
to format my product category field (I use Product Field 7) the same way as the SS Add To Pages & Product On Pages database upload field - ie Page Name|Page Name|Page Name.
If my Page Names and my Category Names are the same then I only need to assign categories in one place, in this case Product Field 7. I can then copy that to the Add To Pages and to the Google Product Type fields and not have to maintain three separate list/entries.
With 15000+ products on the site now and plans to add at least 10,000 more this month, you can see why I want to minimize this effort.
So. Getting back to my original question: Can I populate the Google Product Type field in this format ==> Category|Category|Category ?