Cross-sell Image Configuration Woes

General ShopSite user discussion

Cross-sell Image Configuration Woes

Postby Bsummerlin » Mon Mar 08, 2010 1:30 pm

I have setup cross-sell and global cross-sell items on my products more information pages. The more information page is custom, but I'm using stock definitions from the sleek template for now while I work my way around the Shopsite code.

I have 3 product image sizes: original image size (300x300), and a small size (140x140), and a cart size(80x80). The 300 is used for the more product information page, and I have the 140 in a 4 column layout my product category pages.

I'm having trouble outputting the defined image size for the "Product cross-sell" to the 80px size that I've defined in the "Cross-Sell Configuration". I've set both the Global Cross-sell and the Product Cross-sell to use the 80px product image. The Global DOES use the 80px image. The Product cross-sell DOES NOT, but will load the 140px image eveytime. I've cleared my cache, republished, unloaded and loaded items for cross-sell, reset the both cross-sell images to the 300px (the global will change, but the product will still load the 140px images...).

My Product template has in order:
Define Subproduct from Sleek
Define Product Cross Sell from Sleek
Define Product
Define More Info Page

What am I missing here?

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Joined: Mon Mar 01, 2010 1:27 pm
Location: Louisiana

Postby Jim » Mon Mar 08, 2010 1:47 pm

Cross sell image size only affects the cross sell items in the shopping cart. It does not currently affect the size of images on more info pages. This has been previously reported and an enhancement request entered to have it changed for a future version of ShopSite.
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Postby Bsummerlin » Mon Mar 08, 2010 1:53 pm

I thought it was a little strange that only the GLOBAL cross-sell items were resizing properly on my more info pages and the Product cross-sell items were not... Glad to know I'm not crazy, that just seems like an oversight in development that one would process on more info and the other wouldn't. Hopefully they'll patch that on the next release. I'll have to change my layout in the meantime.

Thanks for the quick response!
Posts: 18
Joined: Mon Mar 01, 2010 1:27 pm
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