Most credit card companies allow customers to dispute charges if products are shipped to a different address than the registered billing address of the credit card. We've had problems with this in the past (Live and Learn).
To prevent this, we've disallowed a different shipping address in our ShopSite 10 Pro cart. However, this has begun to cause problems and, in my opinion, has led to some lost sales.
All of our sales include "Free Shipping". When we ship via FedEx, we don't normally, but we can specify a Signature Proof of Delivery (P.O.D.), which costs us more, but would help us in a dispute case. However, I was wondering if there was a way to charge this fee to the customer as a "Drop Ship" charge when the ship-to and bill-to addresses are different.
Maybe JavaScript or PHP code is the answer when both addresses don't match, but I don't know where to start.
Obviously, this would have to be on-demand as the majority of people ship to their billing address.
Anyone have any ideas? Any help would be greatly appreciated!!