Hi Guys,
Just wanted to first say thanks for all the help in the past for answering my previous questions. You guys rock!
My Situation:
The product I am working with is sold at different quantities. For example:
Item - Cigar Brand X
Ordering Options:
1 cigar
5 cigar pack
10 box of cigar
20 box of cigar
Each option is a different price and different weight (for shipping purchases). I am trying to figure out whether or not to create a sub-product pull down menu or use an option pull down menu.
My only issue with an option pull-down is that the shipping price will not be affected after adding the chosen option to cart.
Example of product to get a picture: http://etcigar.com/store/product1.html
Any suggestions? I would definitely like to try to avoid adding sub-products if possible.
Thanks in advance!