Creating Headers and Footers

General ShopSite user discussion

Creating Headers and Footers

Postby ReadyRiders » Sun Jan 24, 2010 10:29 am

I have been designing my new website and was wondering how to create a new header- I currently have one that I created in photoshop and saved as a .bmp and used an IMG tag in the Header section under Prefrences to create it; although it looks a little unprofessional.

Is there an easier way to design my Header and Footer using HTML?
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Location: New York

Postby Jim » Mon Jan 25, 2010 8:37 am

First you should not us bmp format images on the web as there is no compression in them and the file size (and therefore download time) will be much larger than it needs to be. If your image has few colors in it then .gif format is better, if there are many colors in it then jpg or png would be a better format.

As for creating it in html that depends on what you have in the header. Do you have a link to where what you currently have can be seen?
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