Need help with product description text and more information

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Need help with product description text and more information

Postby tdsrob » Mon Jan 11, 2010 12:32 pm

Need help with product description text and more information

I though I had posted this already but cant seem to find it. I think I forgot to publish my post :(. If I have already posted this I apologize in advance for the double post.

#1. I am trying to have the product description text on the product pages show up as a css class. I cannot seem to figure this out. I tried adding <span class="someclass"></span> and <p class="someclass"></p> in the custom template but this did not work. I am not to concerned with having the ability to change the text through shopsites backoffice, i can live without this feature. So basically how do I make the product description text a css class?
Here is a link to a page so you can see what I'm talking about. I want the product desc. text to look like the page text under the page title. I successfully made the page text into a css class in the "page" custom template file.

#2 I would like to make the product description in my more information page a css class. I do not want to have to set the text style through the backoffice. I simply want it to automatically display the way I want via a css class.
Here is a link to my more information page I want the text under the "product description" section to be styled through css. I tried adding span classes and <p class="someclass></p> but this did not work either... Is their a way to style the product descriptions in css?

Also on a side note how do I make my website urls show up as the name instead of the I.P address?
Any help would really go a long way right now....

Thanks guys I would be lost without this forum and its members... :lol:
Posts: 21
Joined: Fri Jan 08, 2010 10:34 am
Location: Florida

Postby Jim » Mon Jan 11, 2010 1:55 pm

For the page text you have the class "oferta_text_black" Which is defined in your style sheet, style.css.
For the product text you have the style "Apple-style-span" Which I cannot find in the style sheet style.css

On the moreinformation page you have the product description text using the style
"ProductDescription" but that style is not in the style.css file either

The ip in the urls is coming from the store authorization file. If you want the domain name you should talk to your host about getting a new .auth file with the domain name instead of the IP
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I figured it out.

Postby tdsrob » Tue Jan 12, 2010 7:29 am

Sorry I feel stupid. After reading your comments I noticed that I had a text class in my product description in shop sites back office aswell as the font tag in the template code. Everything looks good now. Thanks
Posts: 21
Joined: Fri Jan 08, 2010 10:34 am
Location: Florida

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