Billing, Checkout and Thank You page fonts

General ShopSite user discussion

Billing, Checkout and Thank You page fonts

Postby sellmethemoney » Mon Dec 28, 2009 3:02 pm


I am trying to change the fonts of the checkout, billing information, thank you and receipt to Verdana.

I read Loren's post regarding this


So what you have done is specified the font face for all of the text that is in HTML elements with a specifically-defined class. But what about all of the other text that is not inside one of these elements? For this, you should have a generic section that covers the font face for all standard HTML elements that can contain text, for example something like:

body, p, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, th, td, div, ol, ul, dl, input {
font-family: Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

In fact, you probably could have done just this and not any of the other modifications you made, because unless the definitions of those elements with a specific class assigned specifies a different font face, then I believe it should inherit the font face from the generic definition for that type of element.


I have a custom includes css based on the sc_cart.css. I did what she suggested and created the generic section and changed Geneva to Verdana. However, I don't think that covers the text in the pages I need.

What do I add to this section so all the billing information, payment, and the rest are in Verdana?

I basically want to have all my pages in 1 single font that looks like the pages that call the shopping cart.

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Location: Chicago, IL

Postby Jim » Mon Dec 28, 2009 3:50 pm

There are 5 sections in the shopping cart template. One for the Cart, one for the billing screen, one for the Confirmation screen, one for the thankyou screen, one for the email receipt. You must put your css in each of those sections for it to apply to all of those screens.
Note there are seperate css files for each section in the default template

So if you modified the sc_cart.css you should also modify the others.
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Postby sellmethemoney » Mon Dec 28, 2009 4:06 pm

Thank you Jim. I will do so.
Posts: 17
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