Minimum Quantity

General ShopSite user discussion

Minimum Quantity

Postby dortchjm » Sun Dec 06, 2009 10:21 am

I now require a minimum of each product on my website as snsie orders were getting out of control. This works ok on most of my products where I'm using the standard ShopSite procedure of allowing to order one product/color/size combination at a time.

On my product pages where I use supbproducts to break down size and color so multiple items can be added to the cart at one time, it doesn't work. Either I have to add 6 per each size/color combination or let them order 1 and be able to check out. I have added big text of "6 pieces minimum required", but they choose to ignore it. Initially I though that minimums were driven by SKU, so I changed all SKU;s to match, but have discovered that it is driven by PRODUCT.RecordNumber and of course each subproduct has a different number. I have inserted the minimum of 6 on the Parent producst hoping that would solve the problem, it didn't.

Basically, I need or prefer to add multiple products to my cart as I sell uniform apparel to groups of various sizes. Entering one size at a time is annoying and averages 10 back and forth entries per order. Some are even larger when you have adult/child or men/women groups and they're getting tops and bottoms. This normally results in a phone call and I get to enter it wasting my time and running up the phone bill in the process. Not to mention a customer who has better things to do than wait for me to enter it all.

Any solutions?

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Joined: Tue Jan 29, 2008 9:24 pm

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