Hi all,
I am having issues with the homepage that is specifically occurring in the product thumb portion within my product template.
I am trying to use an if statement to determine what information to display depending on the string of text for product field 1. For example, the store has 2 product types: "Cigar" and "Accessory". The code below would output the exact fields I want to display if the string in field 1 is "cigars". Field 2, the string would be "accessories". Is this possible or is there a better way to do this? Let me know if this doesn't make any sense. Check out the code below
[-- IF STORE.ProductField1 "cigar" --]
<li><strong>[-- STORE.ProductField1 --]</strong>: [-- PRODUCT.Field1 --]</li>
<li><strong>[-- STORE.ProductField2 --]</strong>: [-- PRODUCT.Field2 --]</li>
<li><strong>[-- STORE.ProductField3 --]</strong>: [-- PRODUCT.Field3 --]</li>
[-- ELSE_IF STORE.ProductField1 "accessory" --]
<li><strong>[-- STORE.ProductField2 --]</strong>: [-- PRODUCT.Field2 --]</li>
<li><strong>[-- STORE.ProductField7 --]</strong>: [-- PRODUCT.Field7 --]</li>
[-- ELSE --]
<li><strong>[-- STORE.ProductField2 --]</strong>: [-- PRODUCT.Field2 --]</li>
[-- END_IF --]