Customizing the [-- CR_Name --] tag

General ShopSite user discussion

Customizing the [-- CR_Name --] tag

Postby natez311 » Mon Nov 16, 2009 10:18 pm


I was wondering if it's possible to customize the way the [-- CR_Name --] tag is laid out. Right now it is a table with a bunch of cells and stretches too wide for my layout. Here is what it outputs now:

<table class="email_pw">
<tr><td align=left class="email_pw">Enter E-mail Address:<font color=blue>*</font></td><td class="email_pw_select" align=left><input tabindex="6" class="email_pw" type=text name=email1 value=""></td><td align=left class="email_pw_note">(this will be used to sign in to your account)</td></tr>
<tr><td align=left class="email_pw">Enter Password:<font color=blue>*</font></td><td align=left class="email_pw_select"><input tabindex="7" class="email_pw" type=password name=text1 value=""></td><td class="email_pw_note">Minimum password length allowed is 8</td></tr>
<tr><td align=left class="email_pw">Re-enter Password:<font color=blue>*</font></td><td align=left class="email_pw_select"><input tabindex="8" class="email_pw" type=password name=text2 value=""></td><td class="email_pw_note"> </td></tr>

Is it possible to customize? Thanks in advance!

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Postby natez311 » Tue Nov 17, 2009 8:50 am

By customize I mean making it so that the cells aren't all in one row. Instead there would be a row for each field, example:

<td>Enter E-mail Address:<input tabindex="6" class="email_pw" type=text name=email1 value=""></td>
<td>Enter Password:<input tabindex="6" class="email_pw" type=text name=email1 value=""></td>

Etc.. That would be helpful if possible!

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Postby Jim » Tue Nov 17, 2009 2:19 pm

As with many template tags you can take the html that is generated by the tag and replace the tag with it. Then modify the html to be what you want.
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Postby natez311 » Wed Nov 18, 2009 10:55 am

Thanks Jim,

But my only question to that is for the user preferences area when someone is logged in and wants to change their preferences. Right now by using the tags [--CR_Name--], [--CR_Email--], etc. all have their respective values filled in. So it looks like:

<input tabindex="3" class="addr" type=text name="First" value="Nate" size="18">

I am looking to do something like:
<input tabindex="3" class="addr" type=text name="First" value="[--CR_FirstName--]" size="18">

<input tabindex="3" class="addr" type=text name="Email" value="[--CR_Email--]" size="18">

Are their tags that would make this possible or is there a better way? Just curious, let me know and thanks again so far!

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Postby natez311 » Thu Nov 19, 2009 7:20 am

Just wondering if there is any way around this or a better solution, let me know, thanks!

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Postby Jim » Thu Nov 19, 2009 8:25 am

There are no tags to get the individual name components. So I don't think you would be able to do that.
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Postby natez311 » Thu Nov 19, 2009 8:30 am

Does shopsite have a user confirmation page for any changes made to his account so it assures he/she that they have been made?

For example when the user gets done putting in new info to change both his email and password and hits submit it goes to a confirmation screen that says "Your name and password have been changed". Just wondering if anyone has been able to create this using shopsite, thanks!

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