Multiple Associates Revenue sharing

General ShopSite user discussion

Multiple Associates Revenue sharing

Postby vn412 » Thu Nov 05, 2009 3:42 am

I have problem in revenue sharing process in shopsite orders. We are 2 partners A and B and two affiliates sites are C and D. There are three cases to distribute revenue generated after product shopping.

First case is
1)If a customer goes from link in A's Site to buy product, revenue sharing will be like:
50% to A and 50% to B.

Second case is:
2)If a customer goes from link in B's Site to buy product, revenue sharing will be like:
50% to A and 50% to B.

Third Case is :
3)If a customer goes from link in C's (or D's Site) to buy product, revenue sharing will be like:
50% to C (or D ) and 25 % to A and 25% to B.

Any help in this matter will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance
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Joined: Thu Nov 05, 2009 3:34 am
Location: gondia

Postby Jim » Thu Nov 05, 2009 8:23 am

There is no automatic way to split the associate payment. But you could name the associates with names that indicate how the money will be split.

A 50% jim 50% john
B 50% john 50% jim
C 50% george 25% jim 25%john
D 50% sam 25% jim 25% john

The order will contain who the associate is so you can split the commission up.
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