Hello everyone -
Im having a small problem when it comes to organizing my products on a page. we have an extensive inventory of strings, and in an effort to keep the site simple - we broke them down into Main groups - then sub groups -
main store - https://circlekstrings.com/store/
Main Group for Standard Scale - http://circlekstrings.com/store/standard.main.html
Sub Group for 5 string basses - http://circlekstrings.com/store/standard.5string.html
so now you will see there are a lot of sets available for the 5 string bass - but most importantly there are now 3 kinds of sets - Balanced / Traditional / Drop tuning.
We want to keep them all on the same page so people can see the gauge differences between balanced and traditional and so on
so the question is - is it possible for me to create 3 tables - 3 columns each (just like the current page) so I can separate the 3 different types of sets? - I would also love to be able to put a title at the top of each table as well - something like:
Balanced Sets
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
Traditional Sets
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
Drop Tune Sets
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
does that make sense?
thanks in advance