Using order api and cron to backup ss db to mysql db

General ShopSite user discussion

Using order api and cron to backup ss db to mysql db

Postby jsherk » Sun Oct 11, 2009 3:46 pm

We just purchased ShopSite Pro v10 and had it installed on our server. I am in the process of setting up our store, and realized that it uses an SQLite db.

Being new to ShopSite, I have the following questions:

Can I use the Order API to access and retrieve all the information stored in the DB? I know that I can manually backup the db and manually export it, but would like to setup an automated process.

Can I access/use the Order API from a PHP program? I am familiar with PHP but not with CGI/PERL, so just wondering if I have to learn a whole new language or not!

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Postby robm » Sun Oct 11, 2009 9:08 pm

The order API will only have access to the data from the order being placed. It does not have direct access to the full database. You can use the auto XML feature of ShopSite to download pages/products/orders data from the database, or use SQLite directly to read data from the db.

Yes, you can use PHP as an API script. Reference this recent post on the forum:
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Postby jsherk » Sun Oct 11, 2009 9:20 pm

thanks robm
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