Help Please :) total Noob and trying to figure out shipping

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Help Please :) total Noob and trying to figure out shipping

Postby Alarson » Sun Sep 27, 2009 2:48 pm

Is it possible to set up an individual shipping price for ground, 2 day, 3 day and overnight for EACH product you are selling and then have the shopping cart show the totals.... and also when you are selling different sizes of the same product to have it reflect the different shipping prices per item?

Thanks in advance :)

btw shopsite pro 10 is what i am using
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Joined: Sun Sep 27, 2009 2:25 pm
Location: Minnesota

Postby robm » Sun Sep 27, 2009 5:06 pm

Sure. You would use the shipping option "Base Plus Shipping" under:
Commerce Setup -> Shipping

Reference: ... .plus.html

Per the different sizes, if you're using "Base Plus Shipping" and each product has different ordering options, there is no easy way to increase shipping for the sizes. The products would either need to be individual products per size, or you could use a global extra handling charge based on price if the price of each size differs to account for this.

If you need truly customized shipping rates, ShopSite's shipping API would allow you to have a custom script to calculate complex shipping scenarios.
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Postby Alarson » Sun Sep 27, 2009 7:49 pm

thanks for getting back to me. So there has to be something that I am doing wrong then. Thats what I figured was the best way to do it. Yet when I put in the shipping prices (for each item) it rewrites the shopping cart price to just reflect that?!

I was hoping to have next to each item for sale a drop down menu of shipping prices.... My shopping cart right now reflects x amount of products in it and is only charging one price for all of the products ....not for each item.

Also how many shipping address's can Shopsite support for one persons order. Say Y orders 10 wants them shipped to 10 different places how do I make that allowable?

and...... how can I make this happen. each product has a price that the customer pays... i though in the backend of the store have to have two prices reflected ....the one that is my profit and the one that the customer is actually paying how do i include this in?

Thank you :)
Posts: 2
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