OrderAnywhere adding additional info to cart?

General ShopSite user discussion

OrderAnywhere adding additional info to cart?

Postby roger1218 » Wed Jul 22, 2009 10:07 am

We are using shopsite manager 9.0.2. We have multiple collections of items (photos, slides, drawings, etc.) that are too numerous to easily give each item an individual SKU. What we would like to do is have a SKU for say a "8x10 Photo", and then have our databases add locater info to the item when added to the cart. We have worked with the "OrderAnywhere" html code, but don't see how to add addition text for the shopsite cart.

Can this be done?

- Roger
Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Jul 22, 2009 8:41 am

Postby Jim » Wed Jul 22, 2009 10:15 am

You can not add additional information to the product when adding it to the cart. Order options could be used to allow the shopper to select some features such as size, color, framed etc.

If you had a Pro Level store you could use the Variable price feature to change the name, sku or price.
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Postby roger1218 » Wed Jul 22, 2009 10:36 am

Looking at the info on "Variable Price" it appears to work with shopsite templates. We would like to have a "Add to cart" button we could add to html output from our own database pages (Like OrderAnywhere), but allow info to get into the cart showing photo number for example. The "Variable Name" Pro feature might work, but can it be integrated into webpages outside of shopsite generated pages? (we can upgrade to Pro, but want to make sure it works as needed!)

http://shopsite.com/templates/cookbook/ ... able.shtml
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Joined: Wed Jul 22, 2009 8:41 am

Postby Jim » Wed Jul 22, 2009 11:07 am

It should work for order anywhere the same as on a store page as long as you have it in a form. Here is an example that should work. Note that you could have some type of script set the values for the fields instead of having the shopper fill them in. Note that the product must have the checkboxes for the variable fields checked for this to work. You could get a demo store from shopsite.com/demo.html and try it out there to see if it will work for what you need.
Code: Select all
<form action="http://yourdomain.com/sc/order.cgi" method=post>
<BR>Quantity <input type=text size="2" name="139:qnty" value="1" >
<input type=hidden name="storeid" value="*14e91e5d7a0a158619640b30">
<input type=hidden name="dbname" value="products">
<input type=hidden name="function" value="add">
<input type=hidden name="itemnum" value="139">

<b>Name:</b> <input name="139:name" size="20" maxlength="100" value="" type="text">

<b>Price:</b> $<input name="139:price" size="4" maxlength="10" value="" type="text">

<b>SKU:</b><input name="139:sku" size="10" maxlength="10" value="" type="text">

<input type=image src="http://yourdomain.com/shopsite-images/en-US/buttons/transparent/blacktext-addtocart.gif" border="0" align="bottom" alt="Add to Cart" name="Add to Cart">
<input type=image src="http://yourdomain.com/shopsite-images/en-US/buttons/transparent/blacktext-viewcart.gif" border="0" align="bottom" alt="View Cart" name="View Cart">
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