Payment Processing Error

General ShopSite user discussion

Payment Processing Error

Postby avefenix » Sat Jul 04, 2009 3:22 am

On another thread I was complaining that I could not use the gateway I already had, but now I have First Data (let me say to those considering gateways that it is snap getting this one), and all the docs, instructions, etc., from both First Data and from Shopsite are very clear, simple and understandable.

BUT, after an apparently perfectly successful integration, I get a PAYMENT PROCESSING ERROR at checkout using the test interface. I have the detail error turned on, and get the following: Error: SGS-020005: Error (Merchant config file is missing, empty or cannot be read). There seems to be no documentation at this level, but I did find related data in where there are 3 seemingly related files names. One is a linkpt.aa which is a plain text of the specs entered in the Linkpoint configuration, one is the .pem with the key and the cerificate, and one is which could turn out to be the culprit, because it is an empty file.

There is one small uncertainty: the 'store name', which the email from FirstData only mentions as DBA Store Name (my verbal store name), and 'Store Number', a numeric ID, which is probably the desired 'store name' of the config info. Anyway I tried them both. No change.

I have reentered the config data a number of times, and saved, then regened the site, although I don't know if that is required. After entering the config data, there is only 'save', no 'process', so probably a regen is needed. I have run through the purchase submission as many times, and always get the exact same message: Error: SGS-020005: Error (Merchant config file is missing, empty or cannot be read).

I find nothing in Shopsite docs, or on the forum. That's it.
Charley Christman
Posts: 22
Joined: Fri May 01, 2009 4:57 am
Location: Costa Rica

Postby Jim » Sat Jul 04, 2009 7:31 am

The detailed error message on the checkout screen is exactly what is returned from the payment processor. So contact your gateway provider to find out what the error is saying. Generally an error message like that indicates that the gateway still needs to configure something on their end for your account.
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Our Back Room First Data Gateway Payment Specifications

Postby avefenix » Tue Jul 07, 2009 12:35 pm

I have a week trying to integrate the First Data gateway, and today, in answer to my pleas, I was told to take it out of 'test' mode and do a 'real live' credit card transaction.

Lo and behold, it worked !!! Were you ready for that? It's worth noting somewhere for other new users of First Data gateway.
Charley Christman
Posts: 22
Joined: Fri May 01, 2009 4:57 am
Location: Costa Rica

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