by knucklehead » Thu Jun 04, 2009 6:30 am
Is there any other way to tax based on state, other than by zip code?
Regarding: "Most shopping carts I have used online don't even give you..."
I think this is the reason customers and I find it so frustrating. It's different - not what we are used to when purchasing online. The thing is, does the shopping cart cause happiness or frustration. Even a 5% frustration rate can cause significant loss of revenue, and that hurts the merchant.
Customers don't know that they are putting the zip code in there for an important purpose. And if they put the wrong one in out of laziness or just by mistake, the next screen will punish them for it, making them GO one likes to go back and start all over...
I hope you take this feedback to heart and re-think your cart-information-flow.
I could have put my dukes up with my customer, rolling my eyes and saying "you're just an idiot; pay attention during checkout and you would not have any problems."
But I didn't, I see a frustrated customer, who almost left my site without buying something that I worked hard to convince him to purchase. I want to know why a customer had a bad there a pattern, and if it is something I can prevent from happening again.
Now that I know - I have a responsibility to my company to fix it, or find a shopping cart that can give a fluid check-out experience. ShopSite is in the same position - put your dukes up or scrath your heads and ask "is our shopping cart costing our merchants revenue?"
I don't mean to be condescending...I just want this issue to be an issue with ShopSite.
I've already had to pay for a 3rd party search engine because the ShopSite search engine was telling customers that I did not have products they searched for...when I did have that product. The value of Shopsite is waning.
Your product should help use MAKE money, not cost us sales.
Nothing is ever simple.