Always show shipping, even if $0

General ShopSite user discussion

Always show shipping, even if $0

Postby LostInCode » Sun Apr 05, 2009 6:21 pm

I've got ShopSite Pro v10 r7. All's well, but I need an important little fix.

I'd like to force Shopsite to always show the shipping line in the cart. Right now, shipping only displays when there's an actual charge. When someone selects an item with no shipping, the cart omits that line. Nice if you want the cart to be minimalist, but I want to actually show off the fact that the customer is not paying for shipping. (This is different from the "Free Shipping coupons" in Shopsite config options.)

Is there a way to force Shopsite to always show a "shipping total" line in this section of the cart template?

Code: Select all
[-- SC_Cart --]
[-- SC_Tax_Shipping --]

Should render something like:
Subtotal $85.00
Shipping $0.00
Total $85.00

As opposed to what it renders now:
Subtotal $85.00
Total $85.00



Posts: 14
Joined: Fri Feb 22, 2008 10:28 am

Postby dortchjm » Sun Apr 05, 2009 9:02 pm

I would like to see this, too.

In addition, I have found that if there is no shipping, handling charge does not show either. For instance I'd like to have a $5 handling charge on all orders, but if free shipping is used, the handling fee reverts to $0. This happens with both the Free Shipping coupon and the free shipping over a certain limit.

Is there a way to list shipping and handling as separate line items?

Posts: 119
Joined: Tue Jan 29, 2008 9:24 pm

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