Alt text of images

General ShopSite user discussion

Alt text of images

Postby gene » Sun Mar 15, 2009 8:15 pm

In the custom template, if I put the image tag inside [-- DEFINE PRODUCT --] as [-- IMAGE PRODUCT.Graphic --], can shopsite also recreate the image, say 100px x 100px? I set 100 x 100 in the Image Configure. However, when I do several test, I will still get the Original size of the image which is 500 x 500. I do this because I wanted all resized images in the [-- DEFINE PRODUCT --] with alt text.

Sample, I used <a href="[-- PRODUCT.MoreInfoURL --]"><img src="../media/[-- IMAGE PRODUCT.Graphic --]" alt="[-- PRODUCT.Field1 --]" title="[-- PRODUCT.Field1 --]"></a> where I set [-- PRODUCT.Field1 --] as the name of the product.

Coz if I use <a href="[-- PRODUCT.MoreInfoURL --]">[-- PRODUCT.Graphic --]</a>, I cannot put alt text into the image. And I dont want to Configure each image in Shopsite and put alt text.
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Location: Philippines

Postby Jim » Mon Mar 16, 2009 9:45 am

You can build the image tags like you are doing and it should work just fine. As for sizing the images you could use the height= and width= and specify the size that you want. Note that this won't maintain the ratio of height and width so if you have an image that is 300 x 200 and you ask for it to have a width and height of 100 the image will be stretched or squished in one direction.
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