I am using the code below to display mini version of the main products. It generate 3 columns within a table. This works great, but when there is only 1 product assigned to the page, it only generate 1 column stretching across the entire table. It is only a problem when 2 or less products are assigned to the page; fine with 3 or more.
I like to have it show 3 columns regardless of the number of products. Can someone help? Thankie.
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0" id="products">
[-- VAR.colCounter 1 --]
[-- VAR.lastRowCounter 1 --]
[-- PRODUCTS --]
[-- VAR.colCounter INC --]
[-- VAR.lastRowCounter INC --]
[-- IF VAR.colCounter 4 --]
[-- VAR.colCounter 1 --]
[-- END_IF --]