I have about 80 of the better, most highly customized, SS commerce websites bookmarked. I've just glanced at all of them in an effort to find ways to improve our checkout process.
I've never liked SS's stock two-row (or more) arrangement of cart buttons which places "Recalculate and 'Empty cart' on top and the vital 'Continue' and 'Checkout' buttons lower on the page.
Others must agree with me because several SS sites went to the (slight) trouble of modifying the cart template to put key buttons in a single row. Many also replaced the stock buttons, sometimes just for cosmetic reasons, but often to emphasize the "Checkout" button.
A few sites de-emphasized the "Empty Cart" button, and two eliminated it altogether. At least for a test, I've ditched the 'Empty Cart' button. On our site the customer can still drop products individually. This results in a bit less clutter. Above all, the chance of a shopper wiping out a big order by accidentally hitting 'Empty' rather than 'Checkout' is virtually eliminated.
Does anyone disagree with my thinking on this? Virtually all major commerce sites have an Empty Cart button (often dangerously close to the Checkout one). But I did see one huge site that offered no means of "flushing the toilet' by mistake.