Multiple offers / Tiered discounts on Coupons?

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Multiple offers / Tiered discounts on Coupons?

Postby MichelleC » Mon Jan 26, 2009 10:32 am

I am certain we asked about this when evaluating cart software, as the coupon feature had to map to what the Amazon storefront we were at offered.
Example" Offer in email is a Tiered discount- $5 off order of $25, $10 off order of $75, $25 off of order of $100
The owner likes these, and we have had good response- the customer sees value and they get to "pick" their "reward" for shopping.
So- looking at Coupon code there is no way to do this?

It would seem confusing to send three separate can say a shopper would be motivated and would enter the right code- but really, we all know how fast everyone moves. Moreover, they are used to only entering one code and having the site's cart software do the calculation. (just saying- that is the end user's perspective)

We are on v 9.0= is this available in v.10? if not, could this be an enhancement? Seems like Shopsite's cgi could handle it (follow If Then logic-- If total is = to $25.00 or more then discount is $5 for example)

Here is how Amazon handled the logic:
Claim Code: LTN8IOO8
One Redemption Per Customer: Yes
Claim Code Combinability: Exclusive
Qualifying Items: Entire catalog
Qualifying Items Display Text: Qualifying Items
Payment Methods: All payment methods
Promotion Tiers: Tier Discount
at least $35.00 and less than $75.00 $5.00
at least $75.00 $10.00

Anyone figure out a way to do this? Java?
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Postby Jim » Mon Jan 26, 2009 10:56 am

There are no tiered coupons. They can be for a specific value off or a %off but are not variable based on the amount of the order.

Pro level store do have a Discount schedule (Merchandising > Discounts) where you can set purchase levels and give either a fixed amount or a % off of the purchase. This would be effective on all orders though and not through a coupon.
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Postby MichelleC » Mon Jan 26, 2009 2:51 pm

So- we couldn't send an email with three separate codes in it, because theoretically, if an end user/email recipient tried entering additional coupon codes the cart would take each as a line item in cart-right?

Is offering tiered coupons going to be in a new release? this is HUGE to my boss, and i would think other shopsite users would want to see this functionality- it is common in the marketplace- and something end users (site visitors) are familiar with too.

So- just to be very clear/certain, there wouldn't be any way to workaround this with javascript either?
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Postby Jim » Mon Jan 26, 2009 3:10 pm

You can configure coupons so only one can be used in the shopping cart. If a shopper tries to use more than one just the last one will be used.

I haven't heard other requests for this functionality. You might want to enter an enhancement request in the enhancement forum.
You could also contact John Young in ShopSite sales if you would be interested in having the feature added for a fee.

I don't believe there would be any way to work around this.
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potenial for abuse.

Postby RedSyntax » Mon Jan 26, 2009 7:48 pm

Jim, it seems your solution would compound the issue of a triple code being abused --because as you pointed out in another thread:

"You can limit the number of coupons that can be used on a particular order to just one, but if the shopper places multiple orders they could use the coupon [codes] several times.... "

it seems like the solution depends greatly, on the relational data between coupons and registered users. Is this information accessible via the checkIt function?
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Postby Jim » Mon Jan 26, 2009 8:49 pm

There is no direct relationship between a customer and a coupon. I guess you could create a one time use coupon and send the code for that to the customer but that would be a lot of coupons if you sent an individual one to each of your customers.

As far as registered customers goes you can assign them to a group and then assign a coupon to that group. Then when a shopper signs in the coupon for the group they are in will automatically be added to the cart. So as long as they meet the requirements of the coupon (right products or amount) then they will have the coupon applied.
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