Payment Processing Error message: SSL Key Failure

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Payment Processing Error message: SSL Key Failure

Postby JayReilly » Wed Jan 14, 2009 11:09 am

We're migrating our shopsite installation to a new host. Everything is working fine except the credit card processing step. I'm getting a Payment Processing Error. The detail looks like this:

Detailed error message:
Time: (nil)
Reference: (nil)
Approval: (nil)
Response Code: (nil)
Error: -99
OrderNum:: (nil)
AuthResponse: (nil)
Message: SSL Key Failure

Our hosting co support think the message is coming from our gateway, the gateway people think it's coming from ShopSite. Anyone have any insight on what the problem might be?


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Postby robm » Wed Jan 14, 2009 12:14 pm

If this is for Linkpoint / First Data, verify that the "Store Name" is your actual store number, and that the Digital Certificate is correct without extra line breaks, spaces, etc... That is the most likely problem when you get this error.

If it's another payment processor, verify the login details, and if the processor requires the server IP number, you may need to provide that to them as well.
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Same Problem

Postby slocker » Wed Apr 14, 2010 10:35 am

I am having the same exact problem / error message as the original poster.
I made sure to copy and paste my exact key / digital certificate as well as enter the proper Store Name (ID#). (10 digit number).

Key is entered:
long string
long string

with breaks as shown.

I am using First Data as the Gateway Processor. Any idea?

Host is set to Live Server
Port is 1129
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Postby loren_d_c » Wed Apr 14, 2010 10:57 am

Are there any extra spaces at the end of any of the lines of the cert or after any of the -- characters?

Where you have 'long string', that isn't all on one line is it? With these certs there is usually a line break after every 64 characters or so of encrypted data.

Is there an empty line(s) after the cert? If there is, try removing that and saving the change.

Also, have you checked with your host to make sure they aren't blocking outgoing connections on port 1129?

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Postby slocker » Thu Apr 15, 2010 11:20 am

It turned out to absolutely be the Private Key / Digital Certificate formatting.

Here is what my error was, and I'll explain in case you run across this in the future:

I was using the wrong PEM files from the digital certificate download.

I was using code strings from two seperate files that were part of my download:
WS**********._.1.pem and WS**********._.1.key from the unzipped .tar file, which was the Certificate and the Key respectively, but the formatting and numbers were different than what they should have been.

I should have been using **********.pem which has both the Private Key and the Digital Certificate in one file.

Because multiple files in the download were marked -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- and -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- it was a little misleading. Once I pasted in the correct file that included both in one package it worked.
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