Tax Rates by Zip Code for California

General ShopSite user discussion

Tax Rates by Zip Code for California

Postby Hands on Horses @www.hors » Sat Sep 28, 2002 10:04 am


As a mail order type business located in California, for in state
shipmants I am required to charge the tax for the county of the shipping
destination. There are multiple tax rates in California. The shopsite
defaults give all zip codes in California one tax rate.

Does anyone have a list or database of tax rates by zip code for

I have not been able to find one and it will be very time consuming to
create one.

Thank you,

Barbara Silverthorne
Hands on Horses
Hands on Horses @www.hors

Re: Tax Rates by Zip Code for California

Postby loren_d_c » Sat Sep 28, 2002 10:16 am

Here is a site that lists state agency tax sites, which are the most
likely places to find this info:


"Hands on Horses" wrote:

As a mail order type business located in California, for in state
shipmants I am required to charge the tax for the county of the shipping
destination. There are multiple tax rates in California. The shopsite
defaults give all zip codes in California one tax rate.

Does anyone have a list or database of tax rates by zip code for

I have not been able to find one and it will be very time consuming to
create one.

Thank you,

Barbara Silverthorne
Hands on Horses
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Tax Rates by Zip Code for California

Postby Richard » Sun Sep 29, 2002 1:45 pm

Unless you have a physical location in each of those counties or you deliver
yourself in each of those counties then you don't have to worry about local
county taxes. Just apply the tax rate in your own county.
Check with your accountant first


Postby crjolliff » Wed Sep 27, 2006 4:01 pm

Be careful... don't believe everything you read in a forum. Richard is incorrect. I called the CA Board of Equalization this morning to find out what tax rate to use when selling to buyers out of my county; they told me that merchants must use the buyer's local sales tax rate.

Here is the BoE's web address: They have rates broken down by city and county, but unforunately not by ZIP.

Here is a site that has tax rates broken down by ZIP, but you have to buy the list: ... 41#details

I hope this helps everyone.
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Postby jndtc » Tue Oct 03, 2006 3:13 pm

Actually, Richard is correct. I have been an on-line merchant in California for over 15 years. I have spoken to many folks over the years at the BOE an received differing info so I finally asked for a written determination. Also, see publication 44 here; This is confusing to most but the bottom line is, and this has not changed, unless you are physically doing business, or have a nexus or representative in that district, then you are obligated to collect only the base tax for CA. Of course sales in your district must have tax collected at that rate.
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Postby Karen » Thu Aug 27, 2009 8:16 am

This is great information. Has anyone configured this yet?
My question is primarily if you did this by zip code range.
Are there any other issues I need to be aware of when setting this up?

Any and all help is greatly appreciated.

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Postby Karen » Wed Sep 23, 2009 7:10 am

I have obtained the California Tax listing and am in the process of updating the cart.

I do have a question, when I need to add a range of zip codes, can I do so without the question mark?

An example is I need to use a range of 93001 to 93012 for a specific tax rate. Can I enter it as "93001:93012" or "93001-93012"?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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Postby Jim » Wed Sep 23, 2009 8:00 am

No, you have to use the ? or the exact zipcode.
So you could enter 9300? and 93010, 93011, 93012
With the 9300? covering 93001 to 93009 and the others as individual zips.

If there is no 93013 to 93019 then you could also use 9301? to cover the 10,11,12 but if there are others from 93013 you would need to enter them separately.
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Postby Karen » Wed Sep 23, 2009 8:21 am

Thank you for the quick response. I appreciate it very much.
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