Extra Field use

General ShopSite user discussion

Extra Field use

Postby Feydakin » Mon Dec 22, 2008 9:11 am

I want to add an extra field to my products page..

Basically we are going to donate a set percentage of each sale of specific items to charity.. Let's say I want to give 10% of the sale to charity and the product costs $112.00..

I want to display in the product description a line like this

$12.00 from this purchase will go towards charity. Thank you etc etc etc..

I want that "$12.00" to be dynamic based on the sale price of the item so we don't need to manually add this every time or go back and fix things if we change prices.. My assumption is that I can make an include that is like this -

charity=saleprice * 10% and then use the extra field to actually list it in the product template.. Am I close??

Steve -
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Location: Indiana

Postby Jim » Mon Dec 29, 2008 4:08 pm

An include like that would not work but you could create a CALL program and pass the value you want to it and have it return the amount that you will donate. You can find the help for the [-- CALL ... --] tag at
http://www.shopsite.com/help/10.0/en-US ... lobal.html
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