I'm no longer seeing shipping charges for mail gift certificates. This appears to be coincident with the change to Shopsite version 10.
Just to run down my configuration, in gift certificate cfg, I've got this checked:
Check here to apply shipping charges for each Mail Certificate
And I have this set to 0.2:
Weight of each letter Used to determine shipping charge
Here's one example of a cart without a shipping charge:
1 Mail Gift Certificate $50.00 $50.00
Send To (name): first last
Subtotal $50.00
Tax $0.00
Grand Total $50.00
and one from 11/29 (Shopsite v9):
1 Mail Gift Certificate $20.00 $20.00
Send To (name): first last
Subtotal $20.00
Shipping: US First Class Mail $1.34
Tax $0.00
Grand Total $21.34
Has something changed with v10, or maybe there's something else I'm missing?
- dc