I'm migrating from a home-grown shopping cart into Shopsite and so far I'm extremely happy with the features and usability of Shopsite.
Except that my old system had order processing and shipping integrated with the shopping cart's back-office screens, and Shopsite doesn't.
I can't seem to find a good way to process the orders without having to cut-and-paste the shipping info. All I really need is a way to pre-populate the UPS on-line system, print the shipping label and then archive the order.
My preference would be to find something web based or web enabled that can get my orders from Shopsite and integrate that with UPS on-line system to print shipping labels, with a minimum (or none) of manual data entry.
We have three separate shipping desks, which is why I prefer a web-based solution. Also, we run mostly Macs and Linux in the office, but Shopsite is running on a BSD (unix) server.
Any ideas?