by Rod » Tue Aug 26, 2008 7:26 am
I've been working on this problem for almost 2 weeks now.
Finally decided to call Shopsite and spoke with someone there for about 1 minute who set me straight.
Very easy...
After you copy and edit the Modern-MoreInfoPage.sst template with the appropriate changes, copy and save your COPY as Modern-MoreInfoPage.sst.
1. Copy the Modern-MoreInfoPage.sst template and rename it as say Modern-MoreInfoPage_copy.sst.
2. Edit in the necessary html changes for links to the Modern-MoreInfoPage_copy.sst.
3. Copy the Modern-MoreInfoPage_copy.sst and rename back to Modern-MoreInfoPage.sst.
4. Save all of your product pages and publish.
All of this is done within the Shopsite interface and took me about a minute.
Hope this helps and saves you a lot of time. I sure wasted a lot of time before getting it straight.
North Carolina