I'm using the most recent version of Shopsite and I created a More Information Page for each of my 18 products.
When I tested the links the image size was the same the ones in my catalog (122x132). I made them this size so
all of my products would be listed in two colums on one page of my catalog.
I wanted the image on the More Information Page to be Larger so customers could see the detail. When I tried to change
the option in Edit Product Info the only size was "orginal" which turned out to be the size of the images in my catalog.
When I used the Auto resize image option all of the images in my catalog were outrageously large so I had manually resize
I'm thinking I may have to manually enlarge each image and create a two page catalog section however I want o avoid this if
Is there anyway to get around this problem. If not and I do have to create a two page catalog how do I indicate that there is a
second page on page 1 of my catalog.
I know this is a mess however any suggestions are greatly appreciated as I'm new at building a web-ecommerce site.